Saturday, 24 March 2012

UTOE contemporary

Instead of an ornamental design, I have gone for a more contemporary approach. This looks simpler but I hope I can add enough detailing to make it appear complex at closer inspection. By taking inspiration from Playful Type I have been able to design a swirl which can be incorporated into the letterforms.

Initially designing the letterforms and then seeing how they could interact with each other. I designed a brush for use on the swirl to add more character but feel it looks a bit manufactured and dated.

Applying the swirls to strokes in the shape of a U and elaborating... however, not legible and strokes defined enough when viewed at a smaller scale. 

Changes made to the space between strokes and how letterforms interact with each other... Have a basic skeleton now. The U and T needs tweeking as the circles are not working as well as they could. Once I have all the letterforms made into the basic monogram, I can mess around with the swirls and any other ornaments.

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